Attaining Google Cloud Certified Digital Leader Certification.
How to set up ads.txt on your flask site.
Using repeatable patterns to save time and increase security.
ECS Private Subnet to ECR 🛜
How do you get an ECR image to an ECS task in a private subnet?
Vale Writing Linter 📝
Command line linting for your blog post writing
Cloudflare, AWS, and HTTPS 🔐
Configuring Cloudflare and AWS for HTTPS (avoiding too many redirects)
Everyday Docker 🐳
Practical docker command line tips for local development.
GitHub Actions Raw Logs 🪵
Accessing GitHub Actions raw logs when necessary.
Grep'in with the Best of `Em 🫣
Practical grep for DevSecOps and SysAdmins.
AWS ACM and Cloudflare 🌐
Using Cloudflare to manage DNS with AWS ACM for SSL.
ls for the win 🏆
ls is a powerful command I use everyday.
Too Busy 📂
Too busy for what? To do a good job? To grow?
Flask Markdown Tables 🐍
How to enable and use markdown tables in Flask.
Certifications. Worth it? 💸
Earning certifications can be fun and rewarding. But are they worth it?
GitOps is more than just IaC
Zed + vim = ❤️
A love story between a developer and their text editor.
Importing an AWS RDS database into terraform without deleting the data!
Using Terraform to import an S3 bucket